Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Plan - Co-Op Days

Before school started, Miss C and I got together to make a plan for our co-op days. This is how we laid things out:

Circle Time:
- Pledge
- National Anthem
- Welcome Songs
- Calendar
- Circle Time theme
- ASL letter of the day
- Review previous letters learned
- ASL sign of the day (related to our Circle Time theme)
- Review previous signs learned
- Introduce any new work on the shelves
- Pray
Work period
Work period
Read one story and verse from My ABC Bible Verses

As you can see, we've added a little bit of sign language. Miss C's son loves learning sign language and already has a pretty big sign vocabulary, so we're going to implement that vocabulary further.

I also plan to introduce a daily yoga pose, which I'll post about soon.

We're going to start My ABC Bible Verses all over again this year. I looked around online and found many, many sets of Bible verses for each letter of the alphabet, but when you take the verses out of context and just have the kids memorize them, they don't make a whole lot of sense. That book has so many valuable lessons that Miss C and I decided to follow it again this year.

Yesterday was our first day, and things went very well. I'll try to post pictures soon!


  1. Sounds like a great plan!

    I'd love to have you come and join our homeschool blog carnival at

    To add this post, simply edit it to include a HHR button or another link to the carnival and then add the link to this post to the link list on my blog.

    Carnivals are a great way to bring new readers to your blog and to share ideas with other bloggers.

    Hope you can join us!

  2. Hi,
    Love your blog! Thanks so much for sharing. It is nice to see other moms who use Montessori and Christianity together!

    Thanks for all the ideas. I am just wondering how you choose your circle time themes. I am looking for themes but have not found something that I have liked yet. I would appreciate any feedback. You can e-mail me at if you want, thanks again!

  3. Miss you guys! Sounds like another wonderful year!

  4. Found your blog this summer and was so inspired that I have been implementing Montessori into my first grade classroom this year. I was just wondering what happened to your other "mom" teachers?
