Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Practical Life Activity

I can't remember where I saw the idea for this sweeping activity (sorry!), but today I set my two-year-old up with a basket of pompoms, a small hand-held sweeper, and a dustpan. She poured the pompoms onto the table...

...diligently used the broom to sweep them into the dustpan...

...emptied the dustpan into the basket...

...and then started all over again:

She must have done this 15 times, and each time was just as fun and satisfying as the time before. If you're looking for a simple way to keep a two-year-old busy, this is a great activity!


  1. I have been enjoying your blog!! This is a GREAT pl job. I'm totally putting this on our job shelf. Thanks for such a cool idea!

  2. hey - i actually have all this stuff! and the tongs haven't been working on the pompoms, or the dirt in the dustpan, yet, this just might be a more appropriate use of those tools right now...

  3. We have this work at our little school. If you want to step it up a bit use tape and make a rectangle or square on the floor. Have the child dump the pom poms there and sweep them off the floor. This is a favorite. You may also want to put in plant polishing. The twos here love it!! One comes in every day and does this for a good part of the morning. Plus, my plants are now dust free!

  4. Thanks! We're going to try this one tomorrow. I've been putting off teaching this skill b/c it seemed like such a pain to use a real pile of dirt/dust to begin with!!!

  5. My 2-year-old can't understand how to hold the broom. We have one almost just like yours. She wants to push the "pom poms". Are there particular words that you use to present sweeping?
